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How to winterize your roof

Winter is around the corner and although the festive season can be magical, the cold temps and heavy snowfall can be damaging to your roof. Avoid damages and costly repair bills by following this checklist to prepare your roof for winter.

Inspect your roof

Check for loose shingles, missing sections, stains, warped wood, mold, rot or any other signs that might signal a roofing issue. You won’t be able to see everything from the ground, so if you don’t feel comfortable climbing on your roof, seek a professional’s help!

Clean your gutters

Cleaning your gutters after the fall is essential to the health of your roof, as leaves can really pile up after the autumn season. Remove all debris and while you’re up there, take a look over your gutters to ensure that they are free from holes or cracks. Keeping your gutters in good working condition will ensure that melting snow will properly drain during the upcoming season.

Replace caulking

Remove and repair any caulking that has wrinkled or isn’t performing up to standards anymore. Weathered caulking can cause leaks and unwanted damage that you won’t want to deal with during the holiday season.

Trim your trees

You might be dreaming of a white Christmas, but you probably aren’t dreaming of roof damage and repair bills. Snow is heavy and when it lands on tree branches it can cause them to break and fall. Walk around your home and see if there are any overhanging tree limbs or branches that are touching your roof or brushing up against your home. Trim them before winter arrives to prevent roof damage from falling limbs.

Look for pest damage

Weather isn’t the only culprit of roof damage! Over the summer and fall, insects, birds and small rodents can cause damage that can lead to big problems in the winter. Take note of pest damage and repair issues so that you step into winter with your best foot forward.

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